John Stott, writing in The Incomparable Christ.
“Behind the quest for justice and human rights, for improved conditions in factory, mine and prison, and for people’s health of body, mind, soul and community, there lies the value of every human person, for whom Jesus both lived and died.”
God is the maker of Donald Trump, of Louis Farrakhan, of every far-right militia member, of every far-left Antifa protester, of every person who defends a statue, and every person who tears one down.
And yet while humans condemn our opponents, trash them, and grow increasingly outraged, he simply says to them, “I love you. Come to me.” He will not demean or revile them.
And yet we do.
Garret Keizer, an essayist for Harper’s, writes in his book, Help.
“Everyone believes in sin….What everyone does not believe in, as nearly as I can tell, is forgiveness.”