We ask that question from both sorrow and happiness, don’t we?
Sorrow: “Why this darkness, Lord, over me?”
Happiness: “Why me, Lord? Why your mercy, salvation, and everything else for me? It’s preposterous, this mercy, but I’ll take it and praise you.”
The answer in sorrow and happiness is the same: Jesus loves us, is for us beyond our wildest imagination, and “all is grace.”
When we’re sad, those words often fail to move us, but it doesn’t change the fact that Jesus is always moving for us.
Now for those of us who battle mental health challenges, this particular lyric from Kris Kristofferson is something to remember:
“Maybe, Lord, I can show someone else
What I’ve been through myself
On my way back to you.”
Tell someone struggling with the dark that you struggle with it, too, and in that shared moment, something light might be born.