It is finished, and he has now risen. Happy Resurrection Day, everyone!
A reader from India, Dr. Lisa Choudrie, sends these two poems over to help all Christians celebrate.
“Jesus Is Alive”
by Lisa Choudrie
Who rolled away the stone?
Who folded the grave clothes?
Who breathed life into Jesus’ corpse?
There are no simple answers,
But we don’t have to guess,
It was God at work, no less!
That early morning so long ago
The women walking with their spices
Sorrow in their hearts
Their Master, Teacher was dead
Grief left when they saw the greatest miracle
And witnessed Jesus, now supernatural!
Peter and John saw the empty tomb
Disbelief filled their hearts
Mary Magdalene thought Him the gardener
Until she heard His voice
Doubting Thomas touched His hands and side
It was as they said -Jesus was alive!
And we, two thousand years later
We celebrate the greatest gift of all,
Death is defeated,
Eternal life is born,
Jesus is alive for ever more!
Interceding for us, seated on the Throne..
And today He meets us
At our point of need
In our grief, in our pain
In circumstances tough
In times of dark clouds
When uncertainty forms a shroud..
Jesus is alive!
And He gives us His peace
For the times of sorrow
Joy in the midst of laments
Power in His mighty Name
And we are transformed, never again the same!
Joyful hearts can dance with abandon!
Jesus is alive!
Tears are wiped away from our eyes!
Jesus is alive!
He is seated on the throne!
He is alive for ever more!
Rise up then, weary brother!
Stand up, sorrowing sister!
Jesus lives and in Him we shall too!
He has triumphed over death and the grave!
Jesus has won the victory!
He is clothed in power and majesty!
Out of the mouths of babes and infants!
The rocks and stones cry out in joy!
The hearts of the fathers are turned to their sons!
The hungry are fed, the lost are found!
The Kingdom of God is here!
Jesus is alive! Jesus is here!
And then this poem, which any Christian struggling with despair today will understand.
“He bears our pain”
by Lisa Choudrie
This morning wakened rudely
With the dreaded ‘S’ word
You know the one
Deathly cold and predatory
Like the vulture, a cruel bird..
It sat on my mind
Weighed it down, like lead
Attacked and ravaged
Left me gasping
Wondering if it would leave me for dead..
It jeered and teased
Malevolence in its claws,
The monster had awoken
Breathing fiery threats
Death in its open jaws..
Threatened, I cried out for help
Some respite from the war within,
Nothing came to mind
Old speeches haunted me
‘ Failure, no- good’ a constant refrain..
Faithful friends and loved ones
Praying fervently,
All of a sudden,
Could feel the cloud thinning
Gradually, yet suddenly..
Passion week,
Our dear Savior’s suffering,
The cup He drank
The death He underwent
All for me and my saving..
Can’t claim to have faith
Small as a mustard seed,
But my faith was bolstered
Today – this morning
Jesus meeting my need..
His suffering and death
Nothing can compare to,
The nails driven in
The crown of thorns
Borne by the Only One, true..
My pain, immeasurable
Was borne by Him,
The fall out of the fall
He took it all
He Who knew no sin..
He takes up our sorrows
He takes up disease,
He bears the curse on our behalf
Physical, mental, emotional hurts
Hurts, that only in Him can be appeased..
Be strengthened, then weary co-traveller,
Hang in there, don’t give up the fight,
He is invisible, yet ever present
Even our lowest moments, darkest
Will be brought to nought, by His light..
His Name is our Fortress
We can run into it and be safe,
His armor- salvation, truth, faith
Peace and His double edged Word
Keep our spirits and minds sane..
We journey with Jesus,
Meet Him in dark Gethsemane,
Know that His anguish brought us peace
His cup of sorrows, our healing
Let this be our balm of Gilead sweet…