In his wonderful little book, Trusting God in the Present, Jacques Filippe writes about our…
Over at Psychology Today, Dale Kushner has a fascinating read on some of the research,…
A reader and poet from India, Dr. Lisa Choudhrie, sends in this poem to share.…
It is finished, and he has now risen. Happy Resurrection Day, everyone! A reader from…
Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have published a new study in Molecular…
Of course, the same goes for adolescent females, but there are a few reasons to…
Christmas is magical for many, but also the joy that overflowed that night can seem…
Hi all, it’s been a) over a month since I’ve posted and b) I’ve barely…
Tim Keller passed away this week, and I just wanted to say a few things…
Hi all, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted, and so many have sent…
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